
ATEX calculations

Environments with gas and explosion hazards pose enormous risks. We therefore divide them into ATEX zones with associated safety standards. The abbreviation ATEX stands for “ATmosphère EXplosible” from the European guidelines for explosion safety.

Standard enclosures of electrical installation are not suitable for these types of zones. Placing them outside the explosive environment is unfortunately not always possible. Still, to best protect your employees from the hazards, you can opt for specific enclosures. Or ensure that the power going to the installation is low enough to avoid ignition. We are happy to support you in this regard with the necessary ATEX calculations.


Projects we are proud of

  • Engineering, installation and commissioning chemical site

    Gent - België

    Hardware engineering en commissioning.

  • Electrical works and lighting roof factory

    Hulst - Nederland

    Algemene verlichting en elektriciteitswerken, hoogspanningscabine en transformator.

  • From empty hall to modern production space without downtime.

    Lokeren - België

    Ontwerp elektrische schema’s, kabelberekeningen, levering en plaatsing kabelwegen, plaatsing stopcontacten en verlichting.