Electrical installations
Lighting and home automation
When setting up a space, it is best to pay special attention to the right lighting. Especially in the office space or production environment. Because this ensures that employees feel less tired and have fewer eye complaints. When furnishing a residential unit, carefully chosen fixtures and lamps contribute to the apartment’s atmosphere. In addition, the choice for e.g. LED lighting also entails energy savings. And that, in turn, translates into lower energy bills. A lot of advantages, but therefore also a lot of choices to make. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone.
You can contact us for all your lighting projects. This applies to both new construction and relighting where we adjust the current lighting. Would you like to integrate intelligent home automation systems? Then too, you have come to the right place. Together with you, we look for the right solution to increase the comfort and energy efficiency of your building.
New construction
When realizing lighting projects for new construction, we put your needs as a customer and end user first. Together with you, we draw up a lighting plan with detailed lighting calculations for each room.
Adjusting your current lighting can result in significant energy savings. But we like to go a step further. In relighting projects, we also pay special attention to the visual comfort of your employees. This has a positive effect on productivity and work atmosphere. And we all want that, don’t we?
Home automation or building management systems
With a home automation system, you can intelligently control your electrical installation. You can use consumers such as heating and lighting very efficiently. No more wasting energy! In addition, diagnostic tools ensure that you can always monitor and adjust your consumption.